NAME. elle celina woods (elle wanted to feel close to her heritage, so she changed her middle name to do so, she changed her first name as inspiration from the magazine in her main and au verses, and of course took her parents’ surname when she was adopted)

PRONUNCIATION. el / suh-lee-nuh / woo-z
ALIAS. e, woods, blondie, pooh bear (by warner only)
AGE. verse dependent, but generally it’s between 20 to 24
GENDER. transgender female

PRONOUNS. she/her/hers
BIRTHDAY. june 15th
ETHNICITY. half palestinian, half lebanese, european


LANGUAGES. english (native speaker), french (fluent)
ZODIAC. gemini (sun & rising), capricorn (moon)


OVERVIEW. elle woods is an enfj personality type. thoughtful and idealistic, she strives to support people and help them reach their potential. typically, enfjs go above and beyond for friends, family, and those in need. elle woods is a natural born leader, which she showcases with her ability to lead her fellow law school students. her passion and charisma allow her to inspire others in a number of ways

POSITIVE. independent, versatile, adaptable, curious, inquisitive, intelligent, divergent thinker, anti-authoritarian, self- actualizer, flexible, original, ambitious, charismatic, creative, loyal, thoughtful, warm-hearted, respectable, compassionate.

NEGATIVE. stubborn, unconventional, uncooperative, assertive, cynical, temperamental, withdrawn, restless, insecure, jealous, intolerant, naïve, impatient

LOVE LANGUAGE. words of affirmation, quality time

FINANCIAL STATUS. wealthy (but also verse dependent)

PHOBIAS. astraphobia (fear of thunder and lightning)

MENTAL DISORDERS. c-ptsd, depression, insomnia
PHYSCIAL ILLNESSES. atrial septal defect when she was born, but has since been treated for it

ASPIRATIONS. verse dependent

VICES & HABITS. chewing on her lip out of nervousness

MORAL ALIGNMENT. true neutral and occasionally teetering on chaotic good


FACECLAIM. josie totah
PHYSIQUE. 5’3”. long and lean, but not skinny. slender arms, pretty angular facial features, especially at the cheekbones and chin. slim shoulders and hips, with thin waist. long neck and limbs. medium sized feet and slender hands.

EYES. deep brown ( “her eyes are as hickory and rich as the earth’s soil; stained with the color of hot chocolate on a cold winter night that wraps around you like a blanket; engulfs you in its warmth and makes you feel at home” )

HAIR. blonde; thick, full, and silky to the touch. ( “her blonde hair was every hue from white-spun sun to golden browns, all married into long flowing locks” ); she’s actually not a natural blonde and was born was dark brown hair

SKIN. warm-skin undertone. constantly radiates a pleasant, soothing glow and warmth. no visible scars or blemishes

ADDITIONAL FEATURES. has particularly long eyelashes, has a small birthmark on her left pinky finger

PIERCINGS. both earlobes pierced, one industrial on her right ear
TATTOOS. one ; consist of the word ‘enough’ on her inner forearm to remind her that she’s more valued than what she believed as a child (verse dependent)

DOMINANT HAND. left handed
SCENT. a sweet, savory aroma of vanilla and jasmine linger on both flesh and clothes; on occasion an intermingling with the outlandish alluring aroma of cinnamon

DEMEANOR. delicate and unfaltering, never without a sense of poise. posture tall, a prominent feline sway in her walk – every move is calculated. she appears very energetic and optimistic when first meeting


BIRTHPLACE. barstow, california
HOMETOWN. calabasas, california
CURRENT RESIDENCE. verse dependent

SIBLINGS. none that she’s aware of

ADOPTED PARENTS. liam woods, marigold woods (née thompson)
BIRTH PARENTS. adam haddad, remy salama

INVOLVEMENT. in her main verses birth father isn’t aware of her existence, birth mother gave her up for adoption at the request of her maternal grandmother; both adoptive parents are involved in her life presently in the main verses and others (everything else is verse dependent)

RELATIONSHIP. verse dependent, multi ship

OCCUPATION. family lawyer (main verse), verse dependent on others

HOBBIES & INTERESTS. fashion, shopping, swimming, tv & movie binging, playing the sims, literature, interior design, riding horses, charity work

PET. bruiser woods (chihuahua breed)

CLOTHING STYLE. light and flowy high fashion displayed throughout an extensive wardrobe, mixed with dark and elegant taste. commonly paired with rings of all sorts and simple necklaces

DIETARY CHOICE. vegetarian


tw : mentions of abuse, alcoholism, hospitalization at a young age, medical diagnosis, assumed parental death, slight nsfw content

elle celina woods was born in a low-kept, hole in the wall kind of hospital in california during a rare summer stormy night on june 15th. her existence came into play in an act of passion and not much more - well, at least that’s what she was told by one of her nasty foster mothers. in fact, she was rudely and offhandedly told that one-night stands were common where she was conceived, but she felt rather unlucky that she had been a result of one, nevertheless. after she was born, on the advice of her maternal grandmother, her mother put her up for adoption, unaware of the fact she had a congestive heart condition (atrial septal defect, a hole in the heart). this meant she had to go through a lot of expensive surgeries in her childhood, making her seemingly ‘unadoptable’ because "the hospital bed isn’t really a great selling point.” as elle would often describe it.

by the age of three, elle finally became ‘adoptable’, but wasn’t adopted because most families were looking for infants. because of this she was bounced around foster homes her whole life, and many times the family was just looking for a paycheck from the foster care system and didn’t really care anything for elle.

in some homes, she even had to fight off physical abuse from some of the foster mothers, including being slammed into a wall at age five and the foster mother lying about it to a social worker by saying elle fell off a swing. elle’s hard life in foster care and eight very terrible foster homes, made her completely self-reliant. when she wasn’t fostered out, she lived in a group home, where the children in the foster care system lived until they were again fostered out or adopted. elle described it as "a holding cell until we were wanted.“

despite her growing up in unloved foster homes, elle had always had it in her head that love was something everybody should strive for, so knowing she was born out of a possible drunken mistake and not an act of love and adoration weighed on her. she didn’t know much about her biological parents at all, and she wasn’t too keen on asking her various foster parents about them either.

however, for many years up until she was adopted at aged eleven, she had tried to find out who they were, even though she wasn’t entirely sure why she wanted to know so badly. she had no interest in meeting them or even getting closure from them, but somehow it made her remarkably sad that she didn’t know who they were. she had yet to figure out why she was so eager to meet the people that had abandoned her surely, but they must have had a reasonable reason, at least that’s what she told herself for all the lonely years.

as one of the oldest, loneliest, and more imaginative children in her group home one can only imagine her absolute boredom when it came to making her life livelier in a home that stifled such imagination. elle, having such creativity, wittiness, and wonder, lived more in her own dream world than out in the real world. which is why when the group home mother and father went to bed, she would tell the younger children a ‘bedtime story’ of sorts about her parents’ ‘love story’ to make her feel better about her shitty situation. she would go on about how her biological parents had been madly in love to only end in tragedy; meaning they must’ve died sometime after she was born but had hoped she was loved by them regardless.

but of course, her high tales of her parents’ love adventure didn’t faze everyone as some of the older girls and boys, who could sense she was lying, would bully her relentlessly about how she’s a lowly orphan that no one cared about. the older ‘leader’ girl would frequently lead other girls at the group home in acts of physical and psychological abuse towards elle.

as a result of her upbringing, elle developed c-ptsd. more than anything, she wanted to believe her parents wanted her as much as she thought they did in her story, but as she grew up and her childlike mind faded into other important matters, she kind of given up on telling that story to those who would listen. she found herself searching for them in crowds even though she didn’t know what they looked like, but luckily, she knew where she descended from. ancestry had come in incredibly helpful from her somehow smuggling a dna test. it had helped her figure out she was of palestinian and lebanese descent.

her wish for a good home finally came to fortune with liam and marigold woods. liam, who was raised in ireland was an executive producer and director for a very large network, and her mother marigold was a real estate agent from america. she was lucky to end up with such amazing parents and as she grew in their care, she never forgot just how blessed she was to be adopted by them. she found it annoying that their star signs contradicted hers so much though. she mentioned being a gemini whenever she could but living in a home with an aries and a scorpio was pure torture for such a vibrant soul!

despite their differences, her parents encouraged elle’s belief in extraordinary things and hoped she had carried it throughout her life growing up. her parents had always made her promise to have courage and be kind to others, for—as they explained to her—kindness has power, and that they would see her through all the trials that life could offer, in life and death.

as she went through middle school and high school at pacific prep, she dealt with bullying from her peers. she tried to keep up her hard resolve but sometimes it got too much for her to handle. she lost count of how many times she ran home crying her eyes out, tears streaming down her cheeks. she had friends, there was no denying that, but she was anything but popular.

she’s also a very loveable person. her entire personality shone with a beautiful golden glow. however, her sweet nature should not be taken as a sign that she was weak. she was one of the most determined people that walked the earth. she was energetic and outgoing, always ready to try something new and strive for her ambitions, but this didn’t mean she couldn’t be vulnerable when she needed to.

she had always been a very head strong individual, she had one wish and that was to help the people she cared about reach their potential to the maximum. she was a natural born leader, which she showed perfectly to her fellow law students in school. her passion and charisma, mixed with her sheer beauty made it easy for her to inspire others in a number of ways. she was always in a party mood, but her introverted side appeared at the most inconvenient times.

pink was her middle name, wearing it and making it look as good as she did was a personality trait at this point. even if the dress attire was all black, she would whack on some pink heels or put some neon rose earrings into her ears.

elle had faced many changes in her life, but possibly the biggest one of all was coming to terms with her gender and her sexuality. for as long as she could remember, she knew exactly who she was supposed to be. she despised her deadname, a name that had been given to her by an abusive, horrible woman who didn’t care for her or the other foster children. often times, elle had daydreamed about changing it to something else whenever she thought about it.

when she hit twelve years old, she came out to her parents and began helping them understand where her mind was. they were nothing but loving and supportive towards her. she finally felt like she should have all along, finally everything was beginning to make a lot more sense. her feelings of happiness and joy mixed with confusion were laborious for her to go through, but once she figured out who she was meant to be, she felt completely free. as she grew older, she found herself wearing whatever she wanted that was in trend, especially pink outfits.

when she was born, elle didn’t have a given name when she was dropped off at the adoption centre, so she was given one when her foster mom took her in when she was born. when she turned fourteen – a two years after she got adopted into the woods family – she legally changed her name to elle, and that was all that mattered now. as elle began to come to terms with her gender identity and sexuality, she gravitated towards the name elle. she didn’t have much meaning behind the name other than the fact that she was obsessed with the magazine at the time and two, thought it looked positively stunning in her handwriting.

when she joined her college, she fell into a sorority called delta gamma and she joined in her freshman year, but by senior year she was president! it was a huge accomplishment; she had dreamt of being in such a position of power for years. she graduated with a degree in socio-political jewellery design. she studied, partied, had the time of her life, but she couldn’t pretend that she wasn’t excited to see where life took her next.

the next part of her journey was possibly the most exciting when she was accepted to the university of stanford; which was yet another achievement she was remarkably proud of herself for. if she was being honest then, the only reason she wanted to attend the university was to win back her ex-boyfriend warner, but after a week of self-love and a lot of love from her sorority friends, time had passed and she became more engrossed in her studies, she realised that she didn’t need him to prove herself. she was fully capable of getting the law degree she had gone after, as well as proving everyone around her that they had underestimated her. she would show everyone how valuable elle woods could be.

..— VERSE 001 / MAIN [ UCLA ARC ] . .. two years after graduating from pacific prep, traveling the world, and taking some much needed time to decide what she wanted to do after high school — elle eventually applied to university of los angeles to major in sociopolitical jewelry design.

IMPORTANT INFO ABOUT THIS VERSE: firstly, this verse specifically follows elle’s undergrad at ucla ( she goes to ucla in the novel ), so please be specific of which year you want to write in. she’s also in between the ages of twenty to twenty four years old, as well. secondly, warner does exist in this verse and will be mentioned in passing as elle’s boyfriend, however, if we have previously plotted about writing romantic intentions between our characters, warner will be mentioned as an ex to keep the flow of things easily managed.


..— VERSE 002 / MAIN [ STANFORD ARC ] . .. after being cruelly dumped by her ex-boyfriend warner, elle believed the best possible way of getting him back was to show him how much of a ‘jackie’ she could be by following him to law school herself.

but after much consideration over the summer, time to process the breakup, and some realistic advice from her supportive parents, elle decided that war ner just wasn’t worth the overly expensive mascara-filled tears she was clearly wasting on him. she was brilliant after all (she’s a 4.0 GPA student) and no one seemed to understand that except for her parents or herself, so she decided to take everyone’s underestimation of her in her own pedicured hands and applied to stanford law school to prove to everyone how valuable elle woods can be.

IMPORTANT INFO ABOUT THIS VERSE: firstly, unless i’m writing with an emmett muse in our own thread, he doesn’t exist in elle’s space in this verse. secondly, in my headcanon and also in the novel, elle goes to stanford law rather than harvard law.

..— VERSE 003 / MAIN [ WASHINGTON ARC ] . .. when elle woods graduated at the top of her class as valedictorian from stanford law and got hired to practice at a high profiling law firm in boston, the last thing she expected was to be fired. but with great falls, also comes great triumphs and that’s exactly what happened when elle packed up her stuff and moved to washington, dc to fight for what was right.

IMPORTANT INFO ABOUT THIS VERSE: firstly, while i don’t necessarily follow all of the movie sequel for my canon, what i took from it was that elle did move to dc after getting fired and is now fighting to outlaw animal testing after finding out her dog’s mother is being used for cosmetics testing. secondly, she practices family law full time at a new law firm as an associate which is my own headcanon.


..— VERSE 004 / NYC AU . .. years after aging out of the foster care system at eighteen, twenty something year old elle woods is now out on her own in new york city. in that small amount of tim e: she has hitched hiked from state to state, made several interesting connections with people she’s met, and now she’s finally made it to the city that never sleeps. with working as a full-time freelance makeup artist to make ends meet and living above a music store, who knows what else she might get up to.

..— VERSE 006 / APOCALYPTIC AU . .. what happens when humankind finally discovers the elixir of immortality? what happens once when they are no longer bound by the rules of death? simple. they try to become its masters instead. once out of the confinements of danger, the limits of science and medicine were pushed away with the back of humanity’s hand only for that dream of a world to come crashing down : an experiment gone horribly wrong with the nature turning its back on humankind.

elle, who had been lucky enough to not witness it firsthand and perish as those scientists did, yet not lucky enough to be a fool hoping for the things to resolve by their own devices. no, being one of the surviving scientists of her laboratory, elle makes it her mission to gather whatever equipment and brilliant minds they have and find a way to turn this curse around. it’s a journey to find mortality and connect humans to nature once again, bringing back the balance. ( meant to complement : sci fi fantasy, dystopian worlds, post- apocalyptic & distance future verses. works with fandomless muses too. )

APOCALYPTIC VERSE PART I: this verse is taking place before the experiment, where elle is working as an assistant in one of the laboratories of a pharmaceutics company for her internship in her last year of college. she has chosen this company for its bright ideas and a new outlook on the future, but as time goes on, she slowly grows unsure if their goal remains the same.

APOCALYPTIC VERSE PART II: this verse is taking place after the experiment. living in a post- apocalyptic world with limited resources, elle is trying to find other scientists and gear to w ork on a cure, while being hunted by the surviving corporations that profit off of the market of the product.

..— VERSE 005 / FANTASY AU . .. ( tw: parental death mention. ) born to a kingdom awaiting to crown her a queen, the future elle is meant to have is a quite inspiring one. a life spent in between the four walls of a castle that has adored her with the love of her parents, elle’s childhood had been magical ( literally and figuratively ). the kingdom had flourished under her father’s care, and all elle wanted was to grow up to be the ruler he was, inherit this land and leave it even better than she had found it .

she wanted to pour her love and devotion into it as a response to the faith her people had in her through her journey. but despite the enthusiasm and eagerness she had for the duty and all that she could make it out to be, her throne was rattled from its very core when her parents became victims of a heinous coup.

there was nothing left to do while the assassins hired from the rival kingdom raided the palace except to run for her life, ensuring they could never become the rulers while the princess was alive. with nothing more than a horse and a cloak on her shoulders, now elle was facing the greatest challenge of her life: she will either have to find a way to get her crown back, or she will witness the crumble of her kingdom. ( meant to complement : disney / fantasy, ouat, bridgerton, game of thrones & nonmodern verses. works with fandomless muses too. )

FANTASY VERSE PART I: first verse is set before the coup, where elle is still an idealistic princess envisioning a bright future for her people, trying to balance a demanding life where she can both enjoy her youthful years with occasional sneak outs and festivals, and attend to her education to become the queen they deserved in the meantime.

FANTASY VERSE PART II: second verse is set after the coup, where elle is a runaway searched by the rival kingdom to gain complete control of the crown. while she is trying to stay low and hidden from the public eye, she is also trying to gather support from other kings and dukes,
and planning on making a full return and taking what is rightfully hers.

..— VERSE 007 / THE HUNGER GAMES . .. when elle woods from the first district was chosen for the hunger games at seventeen, no one expected her to survive. the price of underestimating her became fireworks with names in the sky. being the only one to return home from the 68th games, ell e did not think she would ever have to endure something like this ever again. but when her name was summoned once again for the quarter quell six years later, she decided enough was enough, and dangerously escaped to join the rebellion in district thirteen on her journey to help bring the capitol down and put an end to the hunger games.

HUNGER GAMES VERSE PART I: this first verse takes place during elle’s dangerous hitchhike across panem to find the rebels in district thirteen after being chosen to be in the quarter quell.

HUNGER GAMES VERSE PART II: this second verse takes place after elle finds safe haven in the hidden district.

..— VERSE 010 / DC . .. working for the legend amanda waller had been a dream turned into reality once elle completed her training in ARGUS, graduating with the highest grades at the top of her class. currently working as an operations manager in various projects and left hand of amanda waller, elle’s duty is to keep the worst of gotham on a leash. while currently she has her hands full with the management of suicide squad with rick flag, she always has some room for one more trouble. ( please note: i don’t know anything about the comics and my sole knowledge is from the films, but i’m willing to do research or be informed by you in order to fit your portrayal )

..— VERSE 013 / DIVERGENT . .. she was born in candor to a community of honesty, but with a mind as brilliant as hers, elle always knew when the day would come she would walk into the embrace of the erudite with pride. she walked on the path of jeanine matthews and motto of the erudite for a long time until tris prior’s riot, elle joined the dauntless on her goal to create one community w here everyone would live in peace and harmony.


..— VERSE 008 / PERCY JACKSON . .. being a daughter of athena and descendant of aphrodite ( her paternal grandmother is a child of aphrodite, which makes elle also a legacy ), elle arrived at camp half-blood when she was ten years old, just a year after percy jackson. with the respect of leading the athena cabin into the manhattan war that malcolm pace brought her, and with her compassion for the others who need guidance, elle became one of the most beloved and respected members of the camp.

nowadays, she is teaching summer classes in subjects of her liking, but she always has time t o help out a demigod in need.

..— VERSE 011 / HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL . .. having just moved from california to new mexico and a whole life left behind, elle’s expectations of her new high school had been pretty low. in be tween desperately wanting to make new friends and wanting to be more than just a new student, the applications opening for a new club had been just the opportunity she was looking for , but even she couldn’t imagine the wild ride of four years that awaited her. with her passion for theatre and the family she found in the stage with thespians, she climbs the ladder of success with her outstanding performances, and in her senior year, she finally gets that well-deserved acceptance letter to julliard.

being a college student and an upcoming future broadway star is a difficult life to manage, but never let it be said elle woods backs down from a challenge. ( please note: this is post hsm trilogy )

..— VERSE 014 / THE WITCHER . .. being born with magic in her blood, it didn’t take long for tissaia de vries to come knocking on her parents’ door. being brought to aretuza as a young girl with fire in her heart, elle left her home as a powerful mage to use her talents for good, and join the court of temeria, beginning her career as an advisor to the king. while she occasionally strikes deals with the witchers seeking her help, her main focus is to make temeria flourish.

IMPORTANT INFO ABOUT THIS VERSE: i’m still new to this fandom. i’m currently watching all 2 seasons at my own pace and will be researching more about this world on my own accord.

..— VERSE 009 / MCU : STARK INDUSTRIES . .. and the victor of their annual pick of interns was already set when they saw elle’s file. brilliant, articulate, ambitious: elle was shaking hands with the recruiter before the day was over, and from that day, she had been an irreplaceable resident of stark tower, working for tony stark and making sure no matter how chaotic it gets at the end of the da y, stark industries rises to success.

( please note: i don’t know anything about the comics and my sole knowledge is from the films, but i’m willing to do research or be informed by you in order to fit your portrayal )

..— VERSE 012 / TWILIGHT . .. ( tw: blood mention ) there are many ways a girls night out can come to an end, but elle never thought she would have seen the sun rise . . . her shivering body in the winter cold . . . dried blood marking the fangs on her neck and an insane thirst for blood. a runaway newborn from the olympic coven, captured by the cullens, had just a slip of control through jasper hale’s fingers ending up with a mistake that cannot be undone. carlisle cullen’s intervention at the last minute saves elle from death, but leaves her with a situation much more complicated to resolve. upon discovering her abilities in the art of persuasion that grow stronger after her change, the volturi takes elle under their wing and funds her law school for her to become a lawyer and preserve a balance between humans and vampires by dealing with the legality essentially becoming the volturi’s representative on the modern world.

( please note: i don’t condone s.meyer and very much anti-anything post the twilight series. this is very much headcanon based )

..— VERSE 015 / PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN . .. a bright girl to a wealthy governor, her destiny was already set out for her: join the family business, make her household proud. but once the sea called to her, it was impossible to ignore the tides. finding elizabeth swann had been difficult, but once the pirate

king heard the girl and her demand to pave a path for herself on the deep waters of the ocean, she couldn’t deny her what she once wanted for herself. so elle woods joined the crew of empress, and she has been working for elizabeth swann and sao feng ever since.